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Antologie CD 1 - Horňácko

Antologie moravské lidové hudby

Indies Scope / 2011
Genres: ethno, world music, folklor
CD $ 10.02
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


Epic four-disc Anthology of Moravian folk music of the early 21st century
The four-album representative selection of bands and singers who have significantly contributed to maintain an authentic form of musical traditions of their region is an attempt to reflect the current form of popular music-making in large and small Moravian folklore regions.  

Each part of the four-album compilation is completed with explanatory notes and a booklet outlining the music history of a particular region, its most important ensembles, musicians and singers. Each album is packaged in a separate paper digipack with at least 28 page booklets and it is also possible to purchase each of the albums separately. CD1 - HORŇÁCKO: Unbroken musical tradition

The Horňácko region is located on the eastern edge of South Moravia, in the foothills of the White Carpathian Mountains, just below the highest mountain Javořina near the border with Slovakia. The closeness of Slovakia is reflected in the music similarity, rhythm and the language of Horňácko and Slovakian songs. Areawise it is a micro-region but the significant cultural heritage is present in Hrubá and Malá Vrbka, Kuželov, Louka, Lipov, Javorník, Suchov, Nová Lhota villages, in the settlement Vápenky and many solitary houses in Mlýny. The name Horňácko was first used by the collector František Bartoš in 1889 to designate the origin of tunes in the collection National Moravian Folk Songs; local teachers then continued spreading this name.
What is especially important for Horňácko is the continuous tradition of folk music-making that has been going on for hundreds of years.  The oldest recorded form of folk music (mid-18th century) was “gajdování“ (playing backpipes): single “gajdoš“- piper played to the dance and accompanied himself on “gajdy“ (two-part bagpipes with continuously sounding bass tone). In the 19th century, there were other string instruments completing the piper’s playing, mostly the first and second violin (“prim” and “kontr”), later the three-string contrabass. At the turn of the 19th and 20th century gajdošská muzika (piper music) is slowly dominated by the “muzika hudecká“ (fiddler music); the string instruments are in hierarchy – there is “prim”, the first post (leading vocals, violin), “kontr”, the complementing instruments (accompaniment, violin or viola), “obligát“, the second violin (melodic line, violin) and contrabass, later also clarinet. Only in the thirties the cimbalom is added (initially taken for a foreign, Hungarian element). The fiddler ensembles were completed with brass instruments and the so called “štrajch” was slowly developing. In some bands, brass instruments completely eliminated the original fiddler ensemble. 
The typical musical set from Horňácko starts with singing of  “táhlá“ (táhlice – grief song): the singer sings freely, the band accompanies him and a set of dance “sedlácká” melodies follows. Sedlácká is a traditional dance rhythm from Horňácko which differs in lyrics and harmonious modifications from village to village; there could be up to five to six textual variations in a tune. The set closes by the final “cifra”. Even more ancient is the dance rhythm called “starosvětská”. Younger dance, spread in many variations throughout Slovácko region, is “verbuňk“ (dance of young men who were recruited into the army); slow singing start culminates with “friška”.
The oldest documented traditional music/band is the family band of Ňoreks from Hrubá Vrbka, an ancient peasant family living in the village since the 16th century. The band existed in the years 1863-1967 (bandmaster Jan Ňorek I.-Muzikant, together with fiddler band of Pavel Trn from Velká performed at Folk concert in Brno which was organized by Leoš Janáček in 1892; the same band cut a dash at Czechoslovakian Ethnographic Exhibition in Prague in 1895, where the fiddlers from Velička presented a wedding from Horňácko and a carnival round of “fašankář”. The renowned Cimbálová muzika (Dulcimer Band) was founded by the bandmaster Jožka (Jožena) Kubík (1907-1978) in Hrubá Vrbka; he was famous Roma musician. He included cimbalom in his band and angered the Ňoreks from Vrbka, because after the year 1930 he drew over couple of former pupil into his band.
Establishing the tradition of Horňácko Festivals of folk songs and dances in Velká nad Veličkou in 1957 gave impulse to revive many half-forgotten traditions and, most importantly, it has inspired the emergence of number of ensembles and bands devoted to the cultural legacy of ancestors in all the villages of Horňácko; up till the 21st century many festive traditions, songs and dances of numerous generations of singers and musical families have survived; the Kubík, Miklošek, Miškeřík, Prachař, Ďuga, Holý, Hrbáč, Hudeček, Kománek, Slovák, Zeman, Šácha, Okénka, Pešek, Sup, Kohút, Prášek, Pšurný, Zálešák families – but also the Mička, Galečka, Valíček, Trachtulec and Minks families.

01. Tré primášé (sada sedláckých – instrumentální)
housle prim střídavě Martin Hrbáč, Luděk Šácha a Miroslav Kolacia, CD M. Hrbáč se svou muzikou: Pěkné zkázáníčko

02. Suchovské hudecké (sada starých sedláckých ze Suchova)
HCM Martina Hrbáče, housle prim Martin Hrbáč, CD Horňácký hudec Martin Hrbáč

03. Ňorkův verbuňk (verbuňk – instrumentální)
HCM Martina Hrbáče, prim Martin Hrbáč a Luděk Šácha, CD Martin Hrbáč se svou muzikou: Pěkné zkázáníčko

04. Načo robit juchaj (žertovné sedlácké)
zpívá Dušan Holý, Horňácká cimbálová muzika Martina Hrbáč, CD Martin Hrbáč se svou muzikou: Pěkné zkázáníčko

05. Mám já miłú, pěknú bíłú (sedlácké)
zpívá Dušan Holý, Horňácká cimbálová muzika Martina Hrbáč, CD HCM Martina Hrbáče

06. V javorovéj hori (táhlá milostná)
zpívá Lubomír Holý, doprovází Petr Pavlinec (cimbál), CD Pesnyčky ze Lhoték

07. Zpod suchého javora, Nemárni nemárni, Rabudeň rabudeň
zpívá Lubomír Holý, hraje Musica Folklorica, CD Luboš Holý a Musica Folklorica: Rabudeň, Rabudeň

08. Pri téj Nitri, pri dvore (balada z Horňácka)
zpívá Lubomír Holý, doprovází Jan Rokyta st. (cimbál), CD Horeła linda, linduška

09. Za našima humny (táhlá)
zpívá Martin Hrbáč, hraje HCM Martina Hrbáče, CD Horňácký hudec Martin Hrbáč

10. Háj, háj, háj, háj, zelené oreší (sedlácké ze Lhoty)
zpívá Martin Hrbáč a sbor muziky, hraje HCM Martina Hrbáče, CD Horňácký hudec Martin Hrbáč

11. Dolina, dolina (táhlá)
zpívá František Okénka, CD František Okénka: Preletěuo vtáča

12. N e do tŕňá (žertovné sedlácké)
zpívá František Okénka, hraje HCM Martina Hrbáče, CD František Okénka : Preletěuo vtáča

13. Ode mlýna ke mlýnu (balada v rytmu sedlácké)
zpívá Martin Prachař, hraje HM Jarka Miškeříka, CD HCM Jarka Miškeříka

14. Já bysem k vám chodívávał (sedlácké)
zpívá Martin Prachař, hraje HCM Jarka Miškeříka, CD Pres Javorník malovaná dłážka

15. Povidali, že sem umrel (gajdošská hudecká)
zpívá a na gajdy hraje Jaroš Hrbáč, hraje HCM Jarka Miškeříka, CD HCM Jarka Miškeříka

16. Nebył sem u miłej
zpívá Josef Kútný, hraje Horňácká cimbálová muzika Petra Galečky, CD HCM Petra Galečky: Ó, łásko fortelná

17. N eorem, nesejem (táhlá a sedlácké)
zpívá Josef Kútný, hraje Horňácká muzika Miroslava Minkse, CD Zpívání z Horňácka

18. Túłali sa młádenci (sada sedláckých)
zpívají Petr a Aleš Mičkové, hraje Horňácká muzika Petra Mičky, CD HM Petra Mičky: Z koreňů strom

19. Išel kmotr (sedlácká – štrajch)
zpívá sbor muziky Petra Mičky, hraje HM Petra Mičky a hosté (dech. nástroje), CD HM Petra Mičky: Z koreňů strom

20. Jede Janošek (balada)
zpívá Petr Galečka, hraje Horňácká cimbálová muzika Petra Galečky, CD HCM Petra Galečky: Moja žena smutno plače

21. Bože mój, otče mój, Myjava, Myjava (táhlá a sedlácké)
zpívá Miroslav Minks, hraje Horňácká muzika Mirka Minkse, CD Pesnyčky ze Lhoték

22. Pres Javorník malovaná dłážka (táhlá)
zpívá Anna Kománková, CD Anna Kománková: Pres Javorník malovaná dłážka

23. I šeł pres łávku
zpívá Anna Kománková, hraje Cimbálová muzika Miroslava Minkse, CD Zpívání z Horňácka

24. Preleteł słavíček (dívčí milostná)
zpívá Jiřina Miklošková, hraje Horňácká muzika Miroslava Minkse, CD Pesnyčky ze Lhoték

25. Prałach včéra na doline rukávečky, Súžívałach ve Lhote
zpívá Jiřina Miklošková, hraje Horňácká muzika Miroslava Minkse, CD Pesnyčky ze Lhoték

26. Verbovali na vojnu (balada v rytmu starosvětské)
zpívá Anna Bobčíková, hraje Hudecká muzika Mirka Minkse, CD Teče voda přes velický majír

27. Ó, łásko fortelná (milostná táhlá)
zpívá sboreček žen z Lipova, hraje Horňácká CM Petra Galečky, CD HCM Petra Galečky: Ó, łásko fortelná


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