Terms and Conditions

Purchase regulations of the Indies Scope company in the Internet shop www.indies.eu. This english version is a best effort translation of czech one. For most accurate results, please have a look at original version. In case of doubt the original version has precedence.


1. Introductory provisions
2. Operator
3. Purchase order and conclusion of the purchase contract
4. Compliant
5. Czech Post services complaint
6. Withdrawal from the purchase contract (Return of the goods)
7. Rights and duties of the Seller
8. Rights and duties of the Purchaser
9. Final provisions


These trading conditions are valid for a purchase in the Internet shop www.indies.eu. The conditions specify and clarify rights and duties of the seller (operator) and a purchaser (customer).


The owner of the Internet shop is a company Indies Records s.r.o., se sídlem Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno, ID 17591864. Purchase orders are made directly from the seat of the company and within three working days at the latest.


By submitting the purchase order the purchaser confirms that he is familiar with the purchase and complaints regulations and that he agrees to them.
The purchase order is a purchase contract proposal. The purchase contract comes into existence at the moment the ordered goods are taken over by the purchaser.
The validity condition of an electronic order is to fill in all data and essentials specified in the form.

The place of goods delivery is an address stated by the purchaser in the registration form.
The ownership right to the goods is transfered to the purchaser at the moment of the goods takeover providing its purchase price is paid.

By filling in the registration form or the binding order through the Internet shop www.indies.eu, the purchaser provides the seller with the consent to gather and store the personal data about him and his purchases.


The purchaser is obliged to check up the goods delivered by the seller without unreasonable delay and inform the seller about the ascertained defects within three days.

The purchaser has to notify the seller in writing (by e-mail) of the ascertained defects within 3 days from the goods takeover. In the written notification the purchaser has to state the ascertained defects, i.e. he has to specify the defects and in which way they are shown. The purchaser exercises the written notification of the ascertained defects in the place of the seller´s seat.

For a complaint, it is necessary, in all cases, to submit a copy of the invoice and the payment and delivery documents relating to the goods whose defects are claimed.
The seller does not bear liability for the defects resulting from the operation of the products, functional property and damage resulting from the unskilled use of the products, as well as for damage caused by outside occurrences and wrong manipulation. The product liability does not apply to defects of this kind.

The seller is obliged to inform the purchaser about next steps and settlement within five working days at the latest from the receipt of the complaint.


The goods are sent round through the Czech post offices. Nevertheless, it may happen that a consignment will arrive damaged. The purchaser shall follow these instructions:

-He shall always check the consignment in front of the conveyor.

-In case of the wrapping damage (creased, torn, watered…) he shall immediately draw up with the conveyor a report about the consignment damage.

In case of any problems with the Czech post the purchaser shall send an e-mail at indies@indies.eu. He shall write “Complaint of conveyance“ as a subject, describe the problem, state his contact data, consignment and invoice number. The seller shall contact the conveyor and inform the purchaser about the result.


The purchaser (a private person, not a company with Identification No.) is entitled to, pursuant to paragraph 6 of the amendment to the Civil Code no 367/2000, withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the goods takeover providing that the purchase contract was concluded by using the distant communication means. If he decides to do so, he has to send back the undamaged goods, without any sign of use or abrasion, in the original wrapping within the mentioned period (sending date is determinant). On receipt of the returned goods the seller shall by return refund the appropriate amount to the purchaser in a way agreed in advance. Pursuant to paragraph 7 the purchaser may not withdraw from the contract:

on supply of audio and video records and computer programs if a consumer destroyed their original wrapping, on newspapers, periodicals and magazines supply.


The seller is obliged to carry the binding order, send the ordered goods and deliver at the address of the purchaser.
All personal data provided during registration are confidential.
The seller is obliged to delete a registered customer from the database in case the customer asks for it in writing.

The seller is entitled to refuse an order if a purchaser does not repeatedly meet an obligation to take over the goods and pay the purchase price.
The seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract (binding order) if the performance becomes impossible, if he does not agree with the purchaser on a new performance.


The purchaser is obliged to state a correct and complete address at which the ordered goods shall be delivered.

The purchaser is obliged to take over the ordered goods and pay the total price. The customer is agreed to the total price when he fills in the order even before its binding confirmation.

The purchaser is entitled to deletion of his personal data from the database if he asks for it in writing. The seller is hereby obliged to delete all data about the purchaser from the database within 5 days at the latest from the receipt of the written request.


These trading conditions are valid in the wording stated on the seller´s Internet webpages, on the day of sending the electronic order to the purchaser. b) The parties expressly agreed that if not expressly specified otherwise in the conditions, their rights and duties should be governed by the Civil Code. These Purchasing and complaints regulations come into force on January 1, 2007. Regulations changes reserved. The actual version of the Purchasing and complaints regulations is placed on the webpages www.indies.eu

© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno