obal alba



Indies Scope / 2014
Genres: rock, world music
CD $ 13.26
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


Narajama comes back and that sounds great in itself. And what sounds even better is they’re coming with a brand new album Convergere. The fourth released studio album combines all that made the band famous in the late 1990’s. The singularity of Narajama’s music still continues to be underlined by the inclusion of the cimbalom among classic rock instruments. The convergence and inosculation of music styles, especially but not only rock and folk music, have always marked Narajama but this time the band goes even beyond. And the result? Philosophically approached pictorial music!

This musical act titled „Convergere“ - ( to bend together ), aptly captures the content of a very colorful album. It brings a mix of elements of Moravian folklore, jazz, progressive and alternative rock, afro- latin rhythms underscored with Australian didgeridoo. The primal impulse in most new songs was an endeavor to combine afro- latin rhythms with Moravian folk song or vice versa. What clearly contributed to this fact is the repeated presence of the cimbalom player and vocalist and the original approach of drums tastefully supported by percussions.  Petr Goldmann adds „However, this musical chow would in itself be nothing without fundamental ingredients, that’s clear, for us these are pulsating bass and varied guitars. But mainly it is the singer, keyboard player and  multi-instrumentalist  Lovec. Without his unique approaches to music Narajama would never assume the face it has at present.“

In 2011 the band wakes up and its original lineup enlivened with percussions begins to rehearse and perform and later work on a new album. This record as well as previous three is born at Shaark Studio in Bzenec in cooperation with sound engineer Pavel Hlavica and his colleague Petr Nejezchleba. The initial idea of two and a half weeks of studio time, thanks to looking for both sound and content identity and composing right on the spot, changes to a period spanning almost four months with various pauses. In comparison to the nostalgic content and also cover of the previous album  „3'mej“ the cover of the new album heralds a more upbeat atmosphere. Igor comments: „ The album is a result of spontaneous work with no preliminary intentions and lots of it came to be from improvisations..“

The author of the cover artwork and the design is Canadian – Dutch painter, writer and artist Brian Tjepkema who has already cooperated with Narajama on the covers of two previous albums including two lyrics on the never released album „Webs“.  Narajama’s music is for everybody. It only depends on to what extent listeners keep their minds and hearts open and on experience and the level of attention. And a slight intellectual touch? In this case it does not necessarily have to come amiss.


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obal alba


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