obal alba

Noční hlídka

Dick O´Brass

Indies Scope / 2012
Genres: celtic, rock
CD $ 9.46
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


The Dick O´Brass band is a leading protagonist of Celtic rock music in the local music scene. After six years since their debut called "Disk O´Brass“ they are now releasing new album “Noční hlídka“. Musical expression of the group with international participation undoubtedly draws inspiration from traditional music of Brittany, Ireland and British islands, the vast majority of the repertoire, however, contains their original work mixing modern music styles with unique instrumentation. Compared to the debut album, which was largely made up of traditional songs, the new album contains mostly original songs. The band composed the songs with Czech lyrics in which the traditional melodies of Ireland and Brittany are reminded more like images or they suggest the mood of the songs.

The album Noční hlídka shows how much the band evolved since their debut. Even the overall sound of the record feels fresh and confirms the words of the leader of the band, Tomáš Nedělka: “While working on the album we focused mainly on the sound of the album. We wanted to make the sound very clear and specific in order to hear each instrument separately, which was, in the case of the harp next to percussion, quite difficult. We also experimented more, used more electric guitars, synthesizers, accordion. Each instrument must have its own position in the recording and I think we accomplished that.”  The result is a record which may be based on the once-fashionable “Celtic” wave, but by its conception, use of electronic instruments and rock sound differentiate it from this wave and sets the bar in this genre a little higher.

During their ten-year history the band performed at nearly two hundred concerts and festivals in the Czech Republic and abroad, they also performed together with the legend of Celtic music, the Breton harpist Alan Stivell in his performance at the Lughnasad festival in August 2008. “Also the offer of cooperation with the members of Scottish legendary band Tannahill Weavers, the number of visitors at our concerts and increasing concert offers make us more energetic and wanting to move the band little further.” Tomáš Nedělka evaluates the band’s achievements. In addition, the songs can be also heard in Czech films such as Bestiář, Jménem krále, etc. All this establishes the band Dick O´Brass as one of the most successful band in their genre.


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