interview with Minach - March 2008


1. Is chanson a popular genre in Czech Republic?

Zděnek Král (ZK): Popularity of chanson has rapidly grown, recently. This happened thanks to the people like Hana Hegerová and Ester Kočičková. Many people are singing clasical chanson, although they cannot sing (moreover, they sing in French, for instance Chantal Poulain, since, sometimes, chanson is more about the gesture than about singing, so it could be nice-it is a testimony). However, connecting Minach with chanson is not as easy as it used to be, because some songs, especially the new ones, differs from clasical chanson. Working title of this „new style“ is Chocolate Hot Blues. Anyway, I´m not sure what it suppose to mean …

2. Could your music be characterized as theatrical chanson?

ZK: Not anymore. Probably, the first record could be, but the things we are doing , now, are really faraway from theatre. However, one has to distinguish between CD and live show. Theatrical elements and song are still to be found in live shows.

3. Cooperation of Minach and Zdeněk Král has been lasting for more than ten years, but each of the members run many sideways projects. What keeps the cooperation running?

Mariana Chmelařová (MCh): Long-lasting and honest friendship.
ZK: Yes, we are friends for more than ten years and we like work of each other. In music, to be precise …


4. As you run many sideways projects, with what zou contributed to this record in the terms of authorship? Whose voice is the strongest one in this regard?

MCh: It is an attempt for the most personal and the most precise interpretation of composer´s and lyrics writer´s work. There is a democracy in the band, every vouce has the same weight, however, Král´s Manolov´s nad Panuš´s ones are probably heavier, but mine is the laudest.
ZK: Most of the songs was written by myself using the lyrics of  our friends and soulmates in most of the cases. Mario Buzzi was a participating songwritter, too. Nevertheless, I feel the most crucial thing for the final version of the record was collective work in studio, thinking about arrangements and sound together. That painful searching ending up either in depression and fight or in joy and satisfaction from the work well done. Everyone has a key word in the band, or: the final version of song is a compromise (because aal of us are bullheaded) or someone (me, in most of the cases) will reconcile with new sound of the song.
Ivan Manolov (IM): I have a key word in the band. Although the others may not think so.

5. Your record is very personal. Could it be said it is a generation testimony?

MCh: Definitely personal. Life – stage of generatio testimony is gone for a long time.
ZK: We are generationaly allied. We have been through similar times. In a certain time, we all were a part of music and theatre environment, which influenced us crucially. However, it drained us a lot, therefore we deserted in kind of way from „art“. Without music, our lives were not satisfying and now, we are living somewhere in between. This „in between“ might be heard on the record, too. It is an oscilation between love and hate to our jobs.

6. How important is a humour in your songs? What kind of humour do you prefere?

IM: Black humour is a crucial element of our music.
MCh: Yes, black humour is crucial and we laught a lot during composing and recording.
ZK: Humour is very important element of our live shows, they play a counterpart to our depressive songs.

7. For you, is recording a hard work or endless party with your friends?

IM: It is a fight with a locked mind.
ZK: Recording is a hard work. It is an attempt to conservate something existing only when it wants on its own will. Atmosphere of a song is not created everytime. However, it is not a coincidence – it is more about concentration, empathy and discipline. I cannot remember drinking any alkohol when recording (sounds awful).

8. It is possible to see Minach outside theatre? Are you planning some live shows?

ZK: We are at the beginning regarding live shows. We did not wanted to present a half – finished thing. Within last year, we created a new sound of songs (older ones and new ones , also) and combination of old sound with the new one did not worked. Of course, we made few live shows and we play in club Desert, Brno on the regular base. With the new record, we would like to tour some clubs and coffee lounges. We will see what will be arranged, since professional managers are interested in famous bands, only. Our playing is often connected with theatre like in the case of drama Book is looking for a partner or comedy  Komediograf in theatres Husa na provázku and HaDivadlo.

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