Indies Scope - view 2021


We have prepared an overview of our new releases that we want to offer you together with our partners and especially our bands and musicians. For the year 2021, there are many titles in our editorial plan, and we believe that, just like us, you are also looking forward to them. Our editorial plan might have some changes during the year, and there will certainly be plenty of other new projects.

AND We uploaded old releases to streaming services, listen our new Spotify playlist - INDIES 90tky


********  first half of year 2021 **************


*** Karel Vepřek - Restrospektivní kolekce 8CD / (January) ***

A Generous Retrospective Of The Work Of The Singer Karel Vepřek Is Published On 8 CDs

The Indies Scope label follows the format that proved itself when mapping the work of Oldřich Janota and later Jakub Noha. This set is divided into two separate boxes of four CDs, containing archive recordings from 1986 to 2010. They present Karel Vepřek as a solo singer with a guitar or a heligonka accordion, in various occasional groups or with the bands Chudák paní Popelková and Lyrika Putyka. This is mostly material previously unavailable on official media. Here you will find recordings of concerts, home demos, but also later music recorded in the Czech Radio. All this compiled into a logical, coherent dramaturgy of individual albums. The sound has been carefully mastered, but the quality of the recordings corresponds to the circumstances of their origin.

Karel Vepřek bio:


*** Kolektivní Halucinace – Reality / (March) ***

Super-genre sound and songs that can attract fans of rock and alternative music as well as folk. The Kladno quartet has great lyrics that correspond perfectly with songs based on a rock structure. Produced by Tomáš Neuwerth.


*** Kucharski - Beze jména / (April) ***

The second album of the original formation led by singer Venca Bartoš (Pluto, Fru Fru). Colorful songs about love, relationships and revolution. Unprecedented classics of  the alternative are here with the second album; the first was called  Láska co bezhlavě bolí (May 2019)


*** Zuby nehty - Srdce ven / (May) ***

New songs by the legendary band on their sixth album. A total of thirteen songs, and as is the customary habit of Zuby nehty, each of the band's members composed one and each sings one, so it will be colorful, lively and throbbing.

Zuby  nehty:


*** Bombarďák – PÁTEK / (May) ***

Not every Friday the 13th is black. A frantic load of hits from the band Bombarďák, which does not bring bad luck. Songs about a Tooth Fairy, hairstyles, aunts and sisters, ... are definitely worth listening to. The band Bombarďák has been playing for children since 2012 and it will be their fifth album.



*** HCM Petra Galečky - Na Horňácko / (červen) ***

A very special project including 12 songs that will accompany us throughout the year and connect the world of image and music. Songs performed by Horňák dulcimer music by Petr Galečka to illustrate the calendar for 2021, which thematically deals with the theme of each month, the author of which is the artist and printmaker František Pavlica from Hroznová Lhota.


*** Jarret  - Sudetská pečeť (Best Of....) / (červen) ***

A selection of the best pieces from the twenty-year history of the band Jarret, including several new songs and also the entire album Unikat. This will be the Jarret collection, which will also be released in a three-vinyl version.



*** Marian Friedl & Vlastimil Bjaček: Šel gajdoš chudě do světa / (červenec) ***

The album will focus on the presentation of Moravian bagpipes in the hands of one of the most experienced players in Moravia, Vlastimil Bjaček from Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, and will consist of newly recorded material and recordings presenting and documenting Vlastimil Bjaček's twenty-year collaboration with ethnomusicologist Marian Friedl.

Marian Friedl:

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