obal alba

Bought For A Dollar/Sold For A Dime

Little Axe and Skip McDonald

Real World Records / 2010
Genres: blues
CD $ 17.83


Blues, soulful vocals, dub, reggae, gospel – in a space where the dirt roads of the Deep South meet the shiny lanes of the Information Superhighway.

Skip ‘Little Axe’ McDonald, the legendary blues guitarist, might not have sold his soul at the crossroads, but he’s looked both ways – down the road of the old blues, up the highway of the future – before proceeding. After a series of studio-based albums, Little Axe have returned to their roots on Bought For a Dollar, Sold For a Dime. For the first time in seventeen years the original crew came together in the Big Room at Real World for this rare and privileged session, with McDonald and his co-producer, British dub maestro Adrian Sherwood.

Featuring soul singer Bernard Fowler, drummer Keith LeBlanc, bassist Doug Wimbish, all of whom made up the seminal British outfit, Tackhead (1987 – 1991), a band whose pioneering devices are now integral aspects of rap and pop. LeBlanc, Wimbish and McDonald had previously blazed a trail as The Sugarhill Gang, house band of the famed early ‘80s rap label Sugar Hill Records; they were, quite probably, the most important rhythm section on the planet.
Real World’s state-of-the-art facilities opened its arms to other collective regulars, and the result is a live album, Little Axe-style.


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ZVA 12-28 Band

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