obal alba



Indies Scope / 2022
Genres: alternative, electronic
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 6.66
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 8.89
WAVlossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 11.13


Beats, synthesisers and drums determine the sound of the new album DVA by the indie pop band Vyjakomy. The duo of founding members threw away their guitars, dived into the waters of contemporary electronica and fished out a fascinating balance record full of minimalism and autumnal melodies.


After seven long years, which were heavily influenced by sad events in the band, its partial breakup, lockdowns, wars and all these fine things, Vyjakomy is back with the new album DVA (i.e. TWO). Dan Švarc and Jan Otčenášek show on this record where they have come over the years and perhaps indicate where they are heading in the future. The album contains melancholic and brooding melodies, with features recognizable already on previous records. Electronics and rocking beats, and solid bass. It was recorded again in an excellent collaboration with the producer Tomáš Neuwerth, who knows the band well and can capture exactly what suits them.


"In order not to go completely crazy at a time when all we had to do was sit in dark apartments, we locked ourselves in our home studio and started working intensively. We started to write the record as we set out at the beginning, i.e. to record it on the computer, take time for arrangements, experiment with bending sounds, sound design," says Dan, the band's lyricist and singer. "The journey to the result itself was a big school for us, because we are guitar guys," adds Honza, who takes care of the beats on the record. Tomáš then tightened up the whole record so that it works well and sounds nice and did some extra arrangements.


"We would like to dedicate the whole record to our bassist Kája, who unfortunately is no longer here with us, but his spirit is very much intertwined with the record. Cheers up our way, bro!


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