obal alba


Budoár staré dámy

Indies Scope / 2020
Genres: alternative, rock
CD $ 11.36
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
LP $ 20.07
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


Punk screams were replaced by concentration and unexpected friendships. In some places, the producer Tomáš Vtípil shaved a new recording of the alternative rock band Budoár staré dámy to the bone, chopped the meat, sampled it and implanted it back. In September 2020, Indies Scope released their sixth official album called Kostřičky.

The band Budoár staré dámy was born in 1998 and with its distinctive expression immediately joined the family of "strange" bands from Brno. In 22 years of their existence, it has interspersed a number of approaches. Kostřičky (e.g. Little Skeletons)  is the sixth, conceptually coherent album that has a shape, a face; the exclusive author of the lyrics is the poet Lubor Kasal. The album is full of strong pictorial texts, whether taken from his published collections and post-modernly varied, or written directly for Budoár. The singer, author of the music, guitarist and founder of the band Marta Kovářová treated the lyrics so naturally that maybe even the listener will not notice that she is not singing her own: "When my husband showed me Kasal's collection, I thought: this is how I would write it, but better than me! And so Lubor and I met, and since then we have been exchanging melodies and lyrics and opinions on them."


Kostřičky is also dominated by a special post-production by the experimental musician Tomáš Vtípil. "With the determination of the butcher, he shaved the recording to the bone, chopped the meat, sampled it and implanted it back," says Marta, revealing why they decided to invite Tomáš: "I have been loving Tomáš's music since puberty. I felt that it would be good for the recording to be treated boldly by someone from the outside who is not afraid to express himself." In addition, Tomáš Vtípil developed the trumpets of the guest Pepa Hřeben and the bassoon of Broňek Šmid with his flute so that the winds eventually accompanied the entire album. Welcome guests are the vocals of the singers Prune and Vladivojna La Chii and the sound of a piano.


Physicality is a ubiquitous theme on the album. The inanimate comes to life. And vice versa. On the album cover, created in collaboration with the graphic artist František Eliáš, the band struggles with the skeleton and leather of the party tent. No and no tent (similar to their songs) to assemble as expected, according to the manual.


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obal alba


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Budoár staré dámy

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