obal alba

Až přiletí tučňák

Fru Fru

Indies Scope / 2009
Genres: alternative, rock
CD € 10.28
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03


Waiting for the Penguin is not the same thing as waiting for Godot. In other words: Kryštof Ewanče’s poetry with FruFru music joined like water with a school sponge and it sounds together like a penguin, snow and wind.

It is surprising that such a unique singer and composer as Václav Bartoš is still unknown to the public. The specific vocal which you recognize after the first few bars, unexpected techniques and approaches to the composition, are unique on the Czech music scene.  Václav Bartoš is the leader of an excellent band called FruFru, which is to be easily identified, as clearly evidenced by their new recording "When the Penguin Comes Flying”.

The change in FruFru’s sound as well as beautiful women’s vocals in the rendering of Dorota Bárová (Tara Fuki) and Gabriela Vermelho (Maraca) are the most distinctive changes compared with the previous recordings of the band. “In my view this CD differs from the previous ones mainly in its sometimes almost acoustic sound; particularly we managed to incorporate silence, and we are grateful for it because the silence plays as well. I also think that we took advantage of the musical maturity of the band and our new music sounds grown-up and does not need excessive exhibitions,” says Václav Bartoš about the new recording. It still holds true that FruFru is a music cocktail, which nibbles at the best tidbits from various genres and incorporates them into its version of rock. Apart from the above mentioned vocals also steel drums from American ghettos, groove and excellent lyrics remain typical of the band. The new sound in the recording is a trumpet of František Kučera. Acoustic instruments sound more distinctive, when the guest ladies recorded cello, violin and quinton – a viola-like instrument. We can hear a love duet (track No. 7 – Přijď /Come to Me). When the Penguin Comes Flying is a varied CD, which is not boring and entertains you through the very end.

The band could not avoid some changes before recording. While between the first and second album it was an earthquake, this time it concerned “just” the position of the drummer. “It has come to an extreme,” says Václav Bartoš, “see for yourselves; this is the eleventh drummer for eight ears of existence, it may be a world record! I hope we shall calm down for a while now.” The band is preparing for christening of the album (in Prague on 21 April and in Brno on 23 April) and a new videoclip for the song “Já a já a já a já / Me and Me and Me and Me” with Pavel Liška and Tomáš Matonoha starring.


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obal alba


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