
The band was formed at the end of 2002. After a few rehearsals they made 4 songs and in March of 2003 went to a studio (Hacienda of Milos Dodo Dolezal) to record the very first demo "Radial Thing", returning in April 2004 for the second demo called "Lost Heaven" also containing 4 songs. One year later, in March of 2005, The band came to the same studio for the last time to record their last demo called "Demo(n)s"

NIL has been performing since May 2003 and has played more than 200 shows across the Czech rep. , Slovakia, Germany, Poland and Holland, the most significant event being the Street Festival concert in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
In 2005 NIL played as support act for the famous band Cechomor on their major tour, performing on such big stages as the Incheba in Bratislava, Vodova in Brno and the T-Mobile Arena in Prague. In the middle of 2005 NIL took part in a contest called Coca Cola Popstar, where they got into the final.

IN the Spring of 2006 the band met producer Petr Slezak with whom, in July of the same year, they recorded their debut album "The River Spring" under 4K/Indies Scope Records, released in February 2007.

Nil 2010:
Hanka Kosnovska - vocal
Jan Koncicky - guitar
Kobez  - bass
Michal Koncicky – drums

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