obal alba

Released Tracks


Indies Scope / 2002
Genres: dance, electronic, jazz, rap, pop
CD $ 8.89
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42


The discovery of Czech dance scene, Brno music band playing drumandjazzandbass has been existing since 1999, now in eight-member composition (guitar, contrabass, drums, percussion, bongos, saxophone, trumpet, vocals). It is based on d´n´b (Onehalph, the songs of which are the regular part of d´n´b compilation) and it partially takes components from jazz and rap music. The band performed at summer festival Zámostí 2000 in Třebíč besides Loop Guru, it appeared in the Czech TV program “Sešli se….” (“They met….”) together with legendary Slovak jazz singer Peter Lipa, for whom they made remixes of his new songs (next remixes for Synergy, Insania, Crime AND... , Priessnitz, Narvan ). Their compositions appeared in these compilations: Future Sound of Prague, Density, Beat Case, Chemical One, Midnight Café. The CD even includes a special track for computers. The compositions recorded in the individual tracks are prepared for remixing. An opportunity for skilled DJs. The best remixes will be available for free download on our web sites.


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