obal alba

Jak na příšery

Čankišou and MALÉhRY

Indies Scope / 2013
Genres: audio books, children´s
CD $ 9.46
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps $ 4.42
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free $ 6.66


Who can help with getting rid of monsters?

Ladies of the Brno theater Divadlo MALÉhRY have written a fairy-tale book called Jak na příšery/What to do with monsters. They decided to realize this idea of recording fairy-tales on CD and completing it with songs together with their favorite band Čankišou which wrote and recorded music for the fairy-tales. Fairy-tales whose main protagonists are the devil, water goblin, witch, wood nymphs or ghosts, deal with the fact that there is something good in each of us. Even in the devil himself. It only depends on us how we can awaken the good in us! On the CD there will be five fairy-tales out of six and they are accompanied by six songs by the band Čankišou which exceptionally sing in Czech this time. The end of the album is concluded with a lullaby. The sixth fairy-tale is free to download on the Indies Scope website.
Actresses of the Brno theater Divadla MALÉhRY Daniela Zbytovská, Barbora Seidlová and Nikola Zbytovská whose repertoire includes several author theater performances for children, have decided to publish a book of their own fairy-tales and complete the collection with a CD.  And since fairy-tales, especially those cheery ones, usually go hand in hand with songs, MALÉhRY have asked the band Čankišou and under the auspices of Brno music publishing house Indies Scope who took over the CD, they have recorded several fairy-tales which were completed by Čankišou, their original songs and sound effects. “The recording of the CD was totally unique experience because the guys from Čankišou forced us to scream, rattle different instruments and other forms of ‘artistic interpretation’ about which we had no idea! But they had such a charisma that we couldn’t resist!“ says about the recording Nikola Zbytovská.

Have you ever met a devil who takes children to school on his tail or a water goblin who is a head of a swimming team or a ghost who would love to attend a school? You haven’t? That is strange! In our book there is a good number of such ‘monsters’! And may be, in fact, those are not monsters at all! It’s only up to us whether we can awaken the good in them! There is a little bit of good in each of us!
Fairy-tales carry within themselves something we adults have forgotten a long ago. That there is magic, miracles and a world where different set of rules applies; different from what we adults have agreed on. Why miracles don’t happen anymore? Simply because we have stopped believing in them. And so we all enjoy returning back to the childhood via fairy-tales to believe at least for a little while that there is something higher up there, something that gives us wings.“  The fairy-tales are meant for children from 4 to 7, they have comedic qualities and reflect problems of today’s children, such as competitiveness or reluctance to accept someone who is different. To be different doesn’t need to mean to be bad. Maybe, all those devils, water goblins, witches and ghosts can do amazing things when somebody is able to love them!

Fairy-tales called Jak na příšery will appear in the stores at the beginning of December 2013. The book and the CD cover contain the original illustrations by Karolína Stryková.


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CD $ 11.36
MP3 $ 4.42
FLAC+mp3 $ 6.66
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MP3 $ 4.42
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Čankišou and MALÉhRY

Jak na příšery
Available on
CD $ 9.46
MP3 $ 4.42
FLAC+mp3 $ 6.66
obal alba


Available on
CD $ 11.36
MP3 $ 4.42
FLAC+mp3 $ 6.66


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