Matěj Metoděj Štrunc

Matěj Metoděj Štrunc is an actor, musician, traveller and poet. He studied acting at the Brno Conservatory, CR. He comes from a musical family and is the son of the dulcimer player Dalibor Štrunc and the violinist Kateřina Štruncová, who play together in the musical ensembles such as Cimbal Classic and Javory. While still a student, he accepted an engagement at the Children's Theatre Radost in Brno (CR). After graduation, he joined the acting ensemble of the Municipal Zlín Theatre, where he was active for three seasons. He is the co-founder and frontman of the folk rock band Ateliér, with which he released two records and several music videos. As a composer of incidental music for theatre productions, he collaborated with theatres across the country. He has currently released 3 music videos on his solo music career. He plays dulcimer, guitar, piano, bass and drums.


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