obal alba

Live 11/3/2020

David Pomahač

Indies Scope / 2021
Genres: folk, rock, electronic
MP3bitrate 256-320 kbps € 4.00
FLAClossless format, MP3 version added for free € 6.03
WAVlossless format, MP3 version added for free € 8.05


A recording of a live concert from Café v lesa with a relatively unique date of origin - March 11, 2020, is being released by David Pomahač. Just a few hours before the first lockdown in the Czech Republic, the singer had an official release party of his first solo album Do tmy je daleko, where he also played with his son Jáchym several unreleased songs, and recorded them as a special treat and called it Live 11/3/2020.


"We thought that a month after the release of the album, we could have a nice Spring celebration. We liked March 11th. Since the twelfth, there has been a lockdown and everything has been different ever since. The album Do tmy je daleko (i.e. It’s Far To The Darkness) about finding light in the dark has taken on a completely different dimension, intimate songs about inner isolation are suddenly confronted with reality, where isolation will play a major role in everyone’s life without distinction. And even after a year, it hasn't changed much. But in all the songs, the light will eventually come and in real life it will probably end up well too,“ says Pomahač.


Live 11/3/2020, which is released by Indies Scope, brings eight tracks: several ones from the album Do tmy je daleko; and the songs Spokojenej, Klaun, Kouzlo, Měsíc and Dlouhý were created in collaboration with Martin Tvrdý. These will also become the basis of the upcoming album, which will be released in the autumn of this year.


Pomahač played with the bands Bez peří, Houpací koně, the accompanying band of Xavier Baumaxa and in 2010 founded the urban-folk duo Kieslowski. His solo debut Do tmy je daleko was placed in the top twenty of the year-long hit chart Velká Sedma of Radio 1, in the ranking of the best records of 2020 by Full Moon magazine and in the top ten best albums of the year according to Musicserver.cz. It was also selected as one of the best records on Expres  FM radio. David Pomahač is currently working on his second studio album.


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