Oravec Jerguš

Jerguš Oravec Trio plays in the classic lineup – guitar, bass, and drums. Their psychedelic blues with funk-jazz and rock elements slowly start to make a reference to traditional music and also the electronic music. For their short existence, the Trio became famous by their improvisational skills on the stage which is of course also given by their excellent instrumental skillfulness.

As the name suggests, the experienced leader, despite of his youth, is the guitarist, singer and composer Jerguš Oravec (1989). This guitarist started a band called Next Page a long time ago. In 2008 the band releases an eponymous album which was released by Pavol Hammel with his band Prúdy. Over time the band Next Page has changed their direction and made a blues DVD called "Just one night" which was nominated to blues discovery of 2010. The band has eventually stopped performing at concerts and became Jerguš Oravec Trio.

Jerguš Oravec has achieved a lot more than just being Next Page though. He has recorded the song "Born", he started flirting with pop-music, nu-jazz, neo-soul. He tried these skills in this category in Czechoslovakian Superstar TV show (TOP 16)  in 2007 he jammed with musicians in the New York club "Jazz Standard", cooperated with the Slovakian funk legend A'Conto, Erich "Boboš" Prochazka, Štefan Lengyel, Emil Frátrik, Juraj Tatar, Roman Mečiar and many others.


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