Jarda Svoboda

Jarda Svoboda (Trabandita)


- Musician and artist

- released 2 albums with the band Otcovy děti (i.e. Father’s Children), 9 albums with Traband, and 1 album with Zuby nehty

- collaborated with Michal Horáček (Tak to chodí, 2003) Václav Koubek (Každej pes, 2004), theater

- Divadlo bratří Formanů (Obludárium, 2005, Klabzubova jedenáctka, 2007), The Tap Tap (Moje volba, Nefňuka 2016) and others

- from 2007 performs solo, accompanying himself with the harmonium.

- as the harmonium player, he’s also member of the band Květovaný kůň (Zapomenuté písně, 2016) and a guest member of the band The Reverends of the songwriter Fanda Holý (Konec cesty, 2015)


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