obal alba

Stay bad

Trunk show

Vlastní náklad / 2010
Genres: alternative, chanson, punk, rock
CD € 12.70


An eclectic mixture of raucous foot-tappers, country weepers, pop ditties, swamp blues, and a little bit of strangeness, centered around the raspy bass voice of Miss Aileen Loy.

Track List

1) Prelude
2) A Murder of Crows
3) Cleaning the Piano out by the Autobahn (Interlude I)
4) Pearl
5) Junk
6) Ruby Slippers
7) Wishbone
8) Whatever You Have, I’ll Take Some Too
9) Ain’t We So Proud
10) Interlude II
11) If There Be Dragons
12) Cross You Over
13) Interlude III
14) Heartsick
15) Second Building on the Right, Third Floor, Just Past the Free-Standing Toilet on the Left
16) A Bottle of Whiskey and a Dull Kitchen Knife

YOU MIGHT BE ALSO INTERESTED IN Alternative | Chanson | Punk | Rock

obal alba


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© Indies Records s.r.o.

IČ 17591864     /     Cejl 825/20, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno