Are you in bad mood? Angry with the cold? Hating the heat? Annoyed by everything? Do you feel like you want to yell something nasty? Then this new record, not only for children, is ideal. Listen to it real LOUD and it will beep out all the bad thoughts and replace them with a good mood. It is the second album of the frisky gang Bombarďák.
The album Píp continues where the previous record “Písničky kluka BomBarďáka“ (Songs by the boy BomBarďák) ended. This new release doesn’t leave anything to chance and admits that, beside rock, even country and folk could be fun music. However, it all must be presented in Bombarďák style. No ice, shaken, not stirred! Bombarďák are Jiří Jelínek, Michal Dalecký and Filip Nebřenský and they are three… impudent or good guys? The singer and author of the texts, Jirka Jelínek, distinguishes it very clearly: “Michal is The good guy, I´m funny guy always kind of complaining and Filip is Good and helpful dog with the voice of Fantomas.” He adds that Bombarďáci (the cool guys) are not just guys. “We also have our bombastic girl; her name is Johana Vaňousová who was our guest also on the previous album. We like her here even more and the next album will be her solo debut. Another bombastic member is Matěj Pospíšil. You will see him at several shows and will hear him in quite a few songs on the album. And he did the artwork for the album cover.”
One thing is certain; Bombarďák offers this album to the life journey. “You always feel better with Píp! It can sometimes happen that you want to beep out the whole world, “says Jirka Jelínek and recommends a visit to a Bombarďák‘s concert where punters can obtain the appropriate manual to the album Píp and will find out useful tips on how to outwit the world of adults.
The album was recorded in "3bees" in Jinočany. But it all started a year before in the Studio Indies, where the band recorded the (Christmas) Vánoční song with the guest drummer Ondřej Pečenka. This year, Bombarďák recordings were accompanied by Milan Jakeš on violin and Václav Kalenda on trumpet. You can hear a lot the drumming of Milan Cais (Tata Bojs) and as Bombarďák Jirka says: “Milan was the obvious choice. Me and Michal have always wanted to play with Tata Bojs. And for Filip it’s a nostalgic look back at the times when they played together in the band.” But Bombarďák will never turn into BombaTata. Just listen to Píp and you’ll understand. BomBarďák isn’t gonna grow up.